本研究以Lazarus理論為基礎,再參酌其他學者論述與實徵性研究以及有關因應策略的工具,來編製一種適用於國小教師的「教師因應策略量表」。「教師因應策略量表 」包括解決問題、暫時擱置、改變、逃避等四個因應策略分量表,形式採Likert式四點量表。先晤談、調查國小教師因應策略狀況,參酌有關因應理論和工具以形成預試題本,經題目分析後編製本量表,全量表共48題。量表之隔三週和隔六週重測信度係數平均值為.7979 和.7637;Cronbach a 係數平均值為.8377。以「校長評定量表」、鄧柑謀(民80)的「因應策略問卷」為效標,來驗証同時效度;以地區差異、性別差異、年齡差異、擔任職務差異、學歷差異、內在相關及驗証性因素分析來驗証建構效度,結果顯示本量表的信度、效度頗佳。隨機抽取1,138名國小教師為標準化樣本,建立四個不同年齡組教師的百分等級常模和 T 分數常模。 The purpose of this research, based on Lazarus's theory and related assessment was to construct the Teacher Coping Strategies Inventory (TCSI) for the elementary school teachers. The TCSI consists of 48 items which were classified into 4 subscales, including problem solving strategies, indirect confrontation strategies, change strategies and escape strategies. This inventory took the form of the Likert-type four- point scales. The average test-retest reliability coefficient over a period of three weeks and a period of six weeks were .7979 and .7637, respectively. The average Counbach a coefficient for the subtests was .8377. Canonical correlations with Coping Strategies Questionnaire was examined and Pearson correlations with President Rating Questionnaire for elementary school teachers' responses. Discussions on construct validity, comparisons of differences within areas, sex, ages, positions and educational degrees were provided. A multi-trait multimethod matrix was presented and five confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. Generally, the construct validity was acceptable. The separate norm of percentile and T score for each age-group were also provided by a sample of 1,138 teachers.