本研究的目的在於瞭解學童在繪本教學前後對於人際互動時考量的因素,並歸納因素間的關係,建立完整的人際互動心智圖。本研究應用交互式質性分析法並以立意抽樣挑選10位低年級學童進行研究。研究結果發現在教學後,學童人際互動考量的因素由教學前的8個概念,教學後增為11個。教學後在焦點團體中「對方的情緒」為影響人際互動主要成因,主要結果有二,即「對方的物品」、「一起做的事」;個人訪談資料彙整,主要成因有三個,分別為「對方的外表」、「對方的情緒」、「對方的個性」,主要結果則為「一起做的事」。在教學前後分別得出主要路徑及因果循環路徑,結果切合社會學習理論的觀點,此顯示出行為是個人與環境三者彼此交互作用而產生。 The purpose of this study is to find the factors of school-age children in the interpersonal interaction which before and after they are taught the picture book, and to draw their cognition map in their inpterpersonal interaction. This study used the interactive qualitative approach. There were 10 lower-grade elementary school students taken as samples by purpose sampling. The result of this study showed that after teaching the picture books, the interpersonal interaction factors increased 3 factors-from 8 to 11. After teaching the picture books, in the group interview showed that the “Emotions of companion”was the main decision factor and the “Do something together”and “Articles of companion”were the final results;in the personal interview showed that the“Emotions of companion”, “Looks of companion” and “Personality of companion” were the main decision factors and the final result was the “Do something together”.