摘要: | 由於清朝末期國家正值戰亂時期,這時候大量的漳州人、泉州人紛紛移民到了台灣,由於清朝忙於對抗戰亂、無力管轄於當時遷移來台的人民,時代的戰亂導致社會動盪不安、內憂情況不斷,加上外來民族的侵犯導致外患的情況也層出不窮,土匪的掠奪、海盜的侵襲,在這樣的情況下人民唯有透過加強自身的武力以求在亂世中得以自保,位於西螺地區的張姓跟廖姓族人為了抵禦外敵便想到了聯防組織的機制來達成保衛家園的目的,所以族人們將附近二十五個村莊做一個結合在分成七個部落加以管理、便是後人所知道的「西螺七崁」、為了達到保衛家園的目的,各個部落各自請了武館的師傅傳授武術,在務農工作結束時練武強身、外的來犯時抵禦外敵,就這樣隨著各武館的壯大武館成了地方抵禦外敵的重要組織,也就造就了西螺七崁武術的由來。 隨著社會風氣的變遷、人們的休閒習慣不同、師傅們逐漸的高齡化、武術的傳承慢慢地產生斷層,年輕人對於武術文化的重要性沒有認同感這些問題的產生,導致西螺七崁武術漸漸的被沒落甚至到邊緣化的,傳統武術的精神與技藝、文化的價值與武術的內涵皆慢慢消失。透過對於武術熱衷的相關人士大力宣導、部分社會團體的幫助與協助下,政府開始慢慢的意識到這樣一個嚴重性的問題、在西螺七崁武術文教基金會這十幾年來不管是基金會活動的舉辦、與公部門的合作或者是武術推廣的宣導下大力的推動武術文化達到得以永續的發展。 本研究希望可以藉由訪談基金會內部人士的方式、探討西螺七崁武術文教基金會內部發展與其推廣策略、從中找出可改進的部分,再利用文獻探討的方式分析其他基金會推廣的策略,再以深度訪談方式訪談專家學者或者公部門機構得到結論後,綜合文獻的部分與訪談的部分得到結論並對基金會提出具體的建議、以達到推廣武術的目的。 The concept of joint prevention organizations for self-defending attributed to “SiLuo Chi-Kan”. Due to the war period of the late Qing dynasty, numerous Changchou people and Quanzhou people immigrated to Taiwan. The Qing dynasty was busy fighting wars, which led to the ignorance of the jurisdiction of the immigrants. Wars of the era resulted in a turbulent society and endless internal revolt. Foreign invasion, bandit plunder, and pirate attacks forced people to enforce self-force for self-defending during such troubled times. Chang and Liao people located in SiLuo area came up with the mechanism of joint prevention organizations for self-defending. Chang and Liao people united 25 surrounding villages and divided them into 7 tribes for management, known as “SiLuo Chi-Kan”. Thus, Chang and Liao people hired martial art mentors in each tribe to teach martial art and practiced martial art after farming, which ensured people’s safety were established as a result of the burgeoning force in every village. The martial arts institutions had become essential to defend invasions during that period of time and led to SiLuo Chi-kan martial art. Due to the society and individuals changes, and martial arts mentors aging, gaps of the martial arts inheritance gradually emerged. Issues such as young people have no sense of identity regarding the importance of the martial arts, which results in the falling-out-of-style and marginalization of the SiLuo Chi-Kan martial arts. The cultural value and traditional martial arts connotation both disappear with time. Through the promotion by those connected with the martial arts, and social groups’ assistance, the government becomes consious about the important of such issues. The SiLuo Chi-Kan Cultural and Educational Foundation helds activities, cooperates with government departments, or greatly promotes the martial arts culture over a decade. Thus the martial arts achieves sustainable development. This research aims to investigate sections that may be improved by interviewing those connected with the Foundation, to analyze promotion strategies of other Foundations through literature investigation, to conclude after interviewing experts or government departments thoroughly, to propose specific suggestion based on the conclusion of the combination of literature and interviews, and to fulfill the promotion of the martial arts. |