建築是否具有性別寓言?詹明信(Fredric Jameson)提出建築形式具有政治意涵(political content),並具有寓言式的本質(allegoric nature);又如羅蘭巴特(Roland Barhes)所說,文化產品都應視為意識形態的符號,那麼,建築是否也隱藏著性別寓言?對此議題女性主義論述中西蘇(Hélène Cixous)的「陰性書寫」提供了閱讀建築的另一種可能性。陰性書寫乃是探討寫作中女性主體如何被建構,而此書寫可延伸至藝術創作,創作乃是書寫、意識實踐的過程及再現主體的策略。本文藉由性別理論、女性主義及拉岡等精神分析相關論述所提供的文化符號的閱讀方法,並透過謝麗香的作品分析,企圖從性別的角度討論建築作品的創作何以傳達女性主體意識,探討建築形式中是否亦隱藏寓言性的指涉,承載性別主體與意識,開拓建築形式閱讀的空間。 Can women speak, and can architectural images speak for women? Is there such thing as a feminine architecture? Fredric Jameson has highlighted the allegoric nature of the very blocks of building. Therefore, through the analysis of Hsieh Li-Hsiang’s architectural works, the purpose of this paper is to establish the relation between architecture, allegory and symbol, and discuss how women can express their inner sates of mind and subjective experiences. In this respect the work of the French literary theorist and Feminist, Hélène Cixous, in attempting to discern a form of women’s writing — albeit controversial — provides a number of key points. This paper reveals a feminine writing in architecture.