喪親事件對兒童是重大的心理創傷,對喪親兒童社會心理與人格發展甚鉅,基於教育輔導立場,更應協助其從困境中復原,以邁向健全的人生。本文探討復原力的意涵、內在保護因子和外在環境保護因子,分析保護因子何以能保護喪親兒童,促進其悲傷復原之能力,最後提出提昇喪親兒童復原力的策略,以協助喪親兒童順利完成哀悼任務,重新調整生活,進而對未來產生希望感、重建生命意義與發展健全人格。 Bereavement is a major psychological trauma for children. It greatly influences children’s social and personality development. From the viewpoint of education and counseling, children are supposed to be more aids to recover from the predicament and make a step towards a sound life. The article intends to explore the meaning of resilience, intrinsic protective factors and extrinsic environmental protective factors, analyze how the factors protect bereaved children and improve their ability in recovery from grief. Finally, we propose the strategies for promoting resilience of thebereaved children to help them fulfill the task of mourning smoothly, readjust their life and further have a sense of hope for the future.