本研究目的在探討嘉義市國小高年級學生作業屬性、低自我控制、知覺重要他人期望與作業延遲行為之關聯性。本研究資料之取得採自陳問卷調查法,共抽選嘉義市十二所國小取得高年級學生有效樣本1,177人。再將所得資料以描述性統計、相關分析、及巢式迴歸模型分析進行資料處理與分析。 本研究結果顯示:(1)作業難度對國小高年級學生作業延遲行為具影響力。(2)國小高年級學生之低自我控制對作業延遲行為具影響力。(3)國小高年級學生之知覺父母期望對作業延遲行為具影響力。 最後,本研究根據研究結果進行討論並提出建議,作為教師及家長對於國小高年級學生作業延遲行為之輔導與未來研究之參考。 The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of homework variety, low self-control, and perceived significant others’ expectations on late homework submissions of the fifth and sixth graders .Self-report questionnaire was used to collect data. The sample in this study consisted of 1¸177 students from 12 elementary schools in Chiayi City. The statistical methods of this study included descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and nested regression model analysis. The results of this study were summarized as follows: (1) The difficulty of homework had effects on late homework submissions; (2) Low self-control was related to late homework submissions; (3) Perceived significant parents’ expectations had significant impacts on late homework submissions. Finally, the detailed results and suggestions for further research and implementation were discussed. Teachers and parents as a reference for the fifth and sixth graders late homework submissions of counseling and future research.