摘要: | 今日殯葬業者所提供的喪禮服務,不僅喪禮會場的布置乾淨明亮、動線清楚,禮儀服務人員更是服裝筆挺,儀態端莊,做精緻的套裝服務。從表面上看,殯葬禮儀的服務已逐步邁向完美的境界。 然而,縱貫古今之諸多文獻,所闡述之喪禮規範或禮俗,幾乎都僅是適用於一名亡者辭世時,根據其人在世時的家族輩份、社會地位而採行適當的治喪流程,並使用合乎其身分的殯葬用品。但是,若是遇到家族中,因天災人禍導致有多人同時不幸喪生,而且亡者的輩份及性別又不相同時,治喪將面臨無正式文獻或禮俗可依循的窘境,屆時則必須參酌文獻古籍,加以靈活運用,才能辦妥一場「特殊喪禮」。 但因各人見解不同,參酌固有文獻所運用的結果,或許於禮不合而不自知,或許鬧了笑話而不自覺;研究者希望在能力範圍內,回顧及整理可供本研究參考之文獻,探討適用「特殊喪禮」的各項基本禮俗,並檢視是否能達到一般喪禮的基本目的。 本研究採樣一件意外災害的社會事件為研究對象,以本事件的治喪經驗歷程中,五名亡者的「家奠禮」為例,以學術研究及整理為動機,一則不觸犯死亡禁忌,二則整理成為文獻,期盼提供主管機關於日後作為制定特殊儀節之參考,亦可提供殯葬業者參酌運用。研究發現如下:一、多代多人口的特殊喪禮,以「長幼有序」為治喪理念,可圓融解釋或化解殯葬禮俗衝突的各項問題,並且可達到喪禮的五大基本目的。二、在承辦多代多人口的特殊喪禮時,禮儀師的承辦態度、專業度及應變能力更顯重要。三、奠拜時,如採用「群組化的奠拜順序」,可以讓多代多人口的家奠禮儀式,進行的流程簡潔而流暢。四、本案的整體治喪模式,不盡然可以完整套用到所有的多代多人口的特殊喪禮,但是治喪階段可以參酌「共發訃聞」、「共用靈堂」、「聯合家奠禮」等模式。而先火化再舉行出殯奠禮的實用衛生概念,希望成為未來趨勢。 最後,本研究根據研究結果分別對政府部門及後續研究者提出具體建議,同時也建議如因故無法籌辦的家屬,可選擇參加政府舉辦的聯合公奠、追思會、音樂會等各種方式,適時化解禮俗的衝突,藉以療癒悲傷,也減輕喪親家屬在治喪費用上的負擔。 What the funeral business offer nowadays, is not only to keep the funeral venue clean and bright, make the traffic flow clearly, but also ask the servants to be nice-dressing, good-behaving, and exquisitely- servicing. On the surface, funeral services have become more and more perfect. However, most of the literatures from ancient to present are talking about the rules when there is only a person passed away in one time. According to his or her seniority in the family and social status when he or her was still alive, his or her family members would take suitable funeral process and use the funeral articles that meet his or her status. Therefore, what if we catch a case that more than one person passed away in one time because of natural disasters? When all the deceased are in different gender and seniority in the family, we would not have any formal literatures and customs to follow. Then we would have to refer those ancient literatures and use them flexibly to make sure we had host a special funeral. Since each person has different ideas, people hardly notice the results of referring those ancient literatures may not be very suitable, they would even cause lots of jokes out of unconscious. The researchers wishes to use their ability to sort out and review those literatures which can be referred in this research, investigating the basic customs that fits a special funeral, and see if it can reach the goal of general funeral. This research takes an accident social case as an example. By the funeral process--home funeral ceremony of the family of the five deceased, in the motivation of academic research and organizing, without touching the death contraindications, we are going to arrange these data into a species of literatures. We wished to offer this to authorities and make it as reference when people need special funeral rituals. It can also become a reference among the funeral business.The research pointed out these following truth.(a)A special funeral of more than one person or more than one generation can normally be known as an explaination to any problems in funeral customs.(b)When holding a special funeral, the attitude, profession and maneuvering of the funeral directors are most important.(c)If we take steps of "ordering pray of grouping ", it may lead to a simplier progress of a home ceremony of the family that many generations of many persons.(d)Though this case may not fit into all of the situations of a home ceremany that contents generations one time, the time of the funeral part can still reference"sending obituaries together", "using funeral hall together", "joint home funeral ceremony of the family", and also, cremating before the funeral ceremony is now an useful health concept. We hope this can become a trend in the future. At last, according to the result of the research, we bring forward suggestions to the government and those researchers who will keep in this part, and give advices to those family who can't afford a funeral ceremony to choose different ways by the government, such as joint public memorial, memorial or music concert. These methods can solve problems in customs, grief healing, and decrease the burden of a family to hold a funeral ceremony. |