本計畫為三年期計畫,配合總計劃的主題方向,以印度與中國佛教中觀哲學為對象,運用歐亞學術資源與網絡,進行文本詮釋、議題分析與比較哲學研究。與研究團隊成員密切合作,以便在更廣的哲學視野下,確認中觀哲學的現代定位與意義。本計畫採取文獻研究法、哲學分析法以及比較哲學法等方法,並預定撰寫三篇至四篇英文論文。計畫第一年,擬就龍樹《中觀論頌》等書,研究「自性」與「緣起」等概念的意含,探討印度中觀的因果論批判與有我論批判,並與英美哲學及其他子計畫進行比較與對話。計畫第二年,研究僧肇與吉藏的中國中觀思想,探究他們的存有論與心性論,闡明「無執」等概念於其心性論的作用和解脫學意涵;研究僧肇的語言思想與真理觀,進行佛家與莊子思想的比較研究。計畫第三年,探究印度與中國中觀思想的倫理向度與意涵,並就人文神經科學的道德責任能力論述,提出中國佛教的理論見地。本計畫將與日本、東亞以及西方佛教哲學學者進行學術交流,尋求建立東亞當代學術主體性的可能性,並提昇台灣佛教哲學的研發能量、國際可見度與影響力。 The present research project is part of a three-year long collaborative project that aims to enhance Taiwan's academic influence on the international academic world. For our purposes, the project takes as its research object Indian and Chinese Madhyamaka philosophy of emptiness and seeks, through collaboration with other team members, to explore the modern significance of Madhyamaka philosophy. In the first year of the project, we will study several early Indian Mādhyamika texts to clarify the implications of the notions of self-nature (svabhāva) and of dependent origination (pratītyasamutpāda), and study their criticisms of various theories of causality and the thesis that a self exists. In the second year of the project, we turn to Sengzhao (374?-414 CE) and Jizang (549-623 CE), the two main Mādhyamika philosophers of Chinese Buddhism, to investigate into their philosophical stances on existence, mind, and language. We will explore the soteriological meanings of their notion of nonattachment and compare Sengzhao's and Zhuangzi's linguistic thoughts. In the third year of the project, we study the ethical dimensions and implications of both Indian and Chinese Madhyamaka philosophy. We also explore the possible Chinese Buddhist response to the contemporary neuro-ethical viewpoints on moral responsibility. The main research methods adopted in the project are philological research, philosophical analysis, and comparative philosophical research. We will make efforts to rationally reconstruct Indian and Chinese Madhyamaka thoughts. We plan to set up an international academic network in the field of Buddhist philosophy that would promote and benefit Buddhist studies in Taiwan.