基於國小教師情緒勞務與工作倦怠的重要性,探討影響國小教師工作倦怠的内、外在因素,已成為當前重要課題,且無論在理論建構或輔導實務上均有莫大的助益。據此,本研究旨在探討個人層次變項(家人支持、學生家長支持、員工焦點情緒勞務及工作焦點情緒勞務)與學校層次的脈絡變項(行政主管支持與同事支持)對國小教師工作倦怠之影響,並檢視學校層次的脈絡變項對個人層次解釋變項間的調節效果。本研究之多層次巢套資料係取自於台灣國民小學教師,擬預計抽取60所學校。最後根據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育相關單位、學校行政單位、國小教師及未來研究之參考。 The importance of emotional labor and job burnout, investigations of internal and external factors that might affect elementary school teachers' job burnout have become critical, and beneficial to both theory and applications. The study aims to discuss how both personal and school factors affect elementary school teachers' job burnout as well as the effect of contextual variables and its moderator effect of variable explanation on a personal level. Hierarchically nested data will be from elementary teachers of 60 school in Taiwan participating. Based on the results of this study, some suggestions were made, as a reference to our educational administrative organizations, educational administration in school, teachers of elementary schools and future researchers for further studies.