近年來,越來越多人熱衷手寫文字,在書寫的過程中感受心靈療癒,及與他人交流的樂趣,因此能夠表現自我風格的鋼筆,往往是消費者的首選,故而影響鋼筆市場日漸蓬勃發展。本研究旨在探討鋼筆消費者的使用動機、購買行為、滿意度與再購意願之關係,以提供鋼筆相關從業人員進行經營規劃的參考依據。本研究以便利取樣的方式在鋼筆網路社群進行問卷調查,取得789份有效問卷,再經過分析調查後得知以下研究結果:1. 背景變項對於使用動機及滿意度有部分顯著影響2. 使用動機對於購買行為、滿意度皆有顯著之影響。3. 購買行為對於滿意度有顯著影響。4. 滿意度對於再購意願有顯著影響。 因此,鋼筆店家的行銷策略應以提高消費者的使用動機為主,促使購買行為及滿意度升高,連帶影響再購意願上升,有助銷售與經營。 In recent years, more and more people enjoy writing. In the process of writing, they feel spiritual healing and the pleasure for communicate with enthusiasts. Because of that, Fountain Pen that can represent the owner self-style is often the first choice for consumers. Therefore, the market of fountain pen is growing nowadays. This study aims to study the motivation, purchasing behavior, satisfaction and re-purchase intension of fountain pen, to reference to the member in the market of fountain pen. The online questionnaire was designed and posted on the network community of fountain pen. Totally 789 responses were collected. The research results of this study indicated that: 1. Background variable has a significant positive impact on motivation and satisfaction.2. Motivation significantly affected purchasing behavior and satisfaction.3. Purchasing behavior significantly affected satisfaction.4. Satisfaction significantly affected re-purchase intension. Because of all, in order to increase the sales volume and gain sound management, the shop of fountain pen should increase the motivation which positively affects the purchasing behavior, satisfaction, re-urchase Intension. That will assist in the management.