觀光產業為全球蓬勃發展的產業之一,其中「文化觀光」更是近20年來世界各國旅遊趨勢。隨著這股潮流興起,藝術村、博物館和美術館等文化場館,實是發展文化觀光的重要資源,如何使之成為旅遊吸引力的核心,則為相關管理單位的重要議題。 本研究以計畫行為理論為研究架構,探討影響遊客參訪鹿港藝術村行為意圖之相關因素,冀望提升遊客參訪藝術村之意願。研究對象為彰化縣國小教師,採用問卷調查法,共回收有效問卷374份,以SPSS和LISREL統計軟體進行資料分析與假設驗證。研究結果顯示:1. 受訪者主要由親友推薦、網際網路和電視廣播媒體這三個管道取得鹿港藝術村相關訊息,參訪藝術村的同伴以家人、朋友居多,不同年齡層在參訪鹿港藝術村的次數上有顯著差異,「21~30歲」受訪者的參訪經驗以「1-2次」比率最高;然而「50歲以上」受訪者的參訪經驗則以「5次以上」比率最高。2. 「態度」、「知覺行為控制」對參訪鹿港藝術村「行為意圖」具有正向影響的假設與研究結果並無二致,然而「主觀規範」對參訪鹿港藝術村「行為意圖」有正向影響之假設並未獲得支持。3. 以「重要度—績效分析法」探討鹿港藝術村活動,街頭藝人表演、鹿港古蹟導覽、文創市集以及鹿港老照片解說四項活動屬於競爭優勢活動,其他活動則屬於次要改善活動。 Tourism industry is one of the booming industries around the world. “Cultural tourism” is the global trend in the last two decades. Following this trend, artist communities, museums, art galleries and the like become the essential resources of cultural tourism development. The topic of making these facilities attractive becomes more and more important to the corresponding management departments. This study employed the theory of planned behavior to investigate the factors that affected people's intention to visit Lukang Artist Village, and we attempted to promote such intention eventually. Participants of this study were primary school teachers in Changhua County of Taiwan. We used the survey research method and retrieved 374 valid survey questionnaires. The results were analyzed and hypotheses were examined with the assistance of SPSS and LISREL. The results showed that: 1. Most of the participants received the information about Lukang Artist Village from their relatives, friends, the internet and TV broadcast. Most of the participants visited there with their relatives and friends. Participants of different age groups had different frequency of visiting Lukang Artist Village: Participants of 21-30 years old mostly visited it for 1-2 times; whereas participants of 50 or above mostly visited it for more than five times.2. The results consisted with the hypotheses that attitude and perceived behavioral control would positively predict the intention to visit Lukang Artist Village. However, the results did not support the hypothesis that subjective norm would positively predict such intention.3. According to the “Importance-Performance Analysis”, street artist performance, Lukang historic building guided tour, cultural and creative market and Lukang old photo guide were the four activities with most competitive advantages. Other activities had less priority to improve.