杜威曾經提出:教育應從做中學,才能深刻的體認。幼兒教育講求的是從遊戲中學習。兩者皆道盡實際體驗、實際操作的重要。然而,教學也不再侷限只在學校內課堂上的進行而已。校外教學也漸漸是老師的精心策劃與帶領幼兒參與其中體驗實際的一門趣味、多元而豐富的學習。然而,要進行校外教學活動,老師可是活動的規劃者、主導者;這可關鍵到幼兒教師的人格特質是否影響一個校外教學活動的成功,讓幼兒從中獲取新知、滿足好奇、人際互動、遵守規範等一系列知的洗禮。本研究的目的便是在探討教師的人格特質及對校外教學活動的規劃做為研究的方向。以質性研究為取向,透過相關文獻分析與深度訪談,而後將訪談所得資料謄寫成逐字稿,然後進行編碼、進行分析、歸納。結果發現大部分受訪者的理念一致,皆以幼兒為本位的正向特質來投入幼兒教育;而在規劃校外教學活動的趨向,學校方陎都能支持。受訪者也認為從遊戲中學習,是幼兒教育的啟蒙;學習要像遊戲般,實際操作、見識實際,做中學習、學中習得;習中失敗、敗中得悟;此乃幼兒學習成長重要的歷程。最後結論顯示,教師的人格特質會影響校外教學規劃的趨向。 Wei Du once stated “meaningful education should be about participation and deeply emerge one with the material” Learning through game is foundational in early childhood education. However, teaching is no longer bond by classroom. Educational field trip has slowly become an important part of lesson planning for the teacher and a fun and well-rounded learning experience for the students. However, the teacher is the main planner and director of the event; it means the personality of the teacher can greatly affect the success of the educational field trip. In another word, a successful field trip can and will allow young students to learn new knowledge, satisfy their curiosity, involve in social interaction, follow regulation and more. The purpose of this research is to discuss the relationship between a teacher's personality and their field trip lesson plan. The first step is to perform qualitative research, examine related research articles and conduct serious of interviews. All interviews were then carefully transcribed in order to code, analyze and conclude the final result. In conclusion, most interviewer share a common educational belief. All early childhood teachers try to achieve a child centered learning environment when they are planning for field trips. Therefore, schools are more likely to support their belief and fund for the field trips. Furthermore, interviewers also believe the learning from playing is the foundational in early childhood education. Learning should be like a game for children; students learn best through hand-on experience, from experimenting and from failure. These are all important milestones in a child's learning experience. In conclusion, a teacher's personality will affect the lesson planning of an educational field trip.