2016年1月16日選出第十四屆新任的總統,由民進黨的蔡英文勝出,蔡總統上任後面臨國內外政經環境夾攻的難題,因此,新政府執政前後台北市不動與高雄市產市場的房價有何變化,是值得探究的課題。從過去的文獻、實證研究所指出,政治經濟情勢對房價有所影響,當政局穩定時,房價穩定,有安定人心的作用,不動產市場是整體經濟市場中的一環,對市場上的資訊頗為敏感,任何風吹草動都會直接影響不動產市場上的需求與價格。過去文獻如林左裕 (2003)以質化分析,認為政治情勢的穩定是安定股市、外匯與不動產的基本因素,但該文在量化的分析著墨不多,所以本研究以特徵價格法探討2016年1月16日台北市與高雄市房價在總統選舉前後之差異,實證結果顯示,總統選舉後台北市房價顯著下跌,高雄市的變化並不顯著。 Dr. Ing-Wen Tsai from the Democratic Progressive Party was elected to be the 14th president on January 16, 2016 in Taiwan. President Tsai has faced many political and economic challenges domestically and internationally since the day she took the office. Therefore, the real estate markets vicissitudes in Taipei and Kaohsiung before and after her presidency becomes an interesting subject to study. Previous empirical researches suggested that the political and economic situation affected the housing prices. When the political situation stabilized, it aroused consumer confidence that would reflect in stable housing market. Being a part of economic markets, real estate market is very sensitive to all the market information. The demand and supply of the real estate are highly influenced by any delicate situation that may result in price variation. Tso-You Lin's publication in 2003 using quantitative analysis showed that the stable political and economic situation is the basic factor for stable stock market, currency exchange and housing prices. However, this study did not perform any empirical analysis. This study applied hedonic price method to analyze the housing price variation in Taipei and Kaohsiung after the presidential election day. The empirical analysis showed that the housing price in Taipei reduced significantly. In contrast, the housing price in Kaohsiung remained comparatively calm.