本文引用法國當代哲學家家德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)的理論概念,解讀並探討前蘇聯知名導演塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)的作品:《索拉力星》(Solaris, 1972)。分析在一個異質化的世界中、一個全新的參考系統中,如何判定何為真實(reality),並由此思考人內在世界深一層的自我建構。德勒茲“游牧意象之思維”(nomadic image of thought)挑戰了哲學思維范式,有效地揭示了個人經驗層面的所謂“內在平面”; 將人的存在視為涵構於個別生命個體的處境及其在整體狀況中的生命流動。本文由此分析與探討電影敘事,來闡述一種對於存有美學的思考。 This paper adopts French philosopher Gilles Deleuze's philosophic theory to the analysis of a cenamatic work by the renowned film director Andrei Tarkovsky: Solaris, 1972. Deleuze's theory of “nomadic image of thought”unveils the individual, the personal, the so-called “internal planes,” which regards human life as various life-flows that dwells on the actuality and reality of each integral life-situation. This theory gives us a vantage point to look into issues like: What is the constituted reality on an outer space planet Solaris? What is the place for mankind in the universe, when he/she fails to confront the reality on a more internal and personal level? This study is an ontological analysis of the film, and also a philosophical reflection of the theory of the arts.