中國崛起是當今舉世所關注的課題。相對於現實主義權力政治邏輯,建構主義的觀點認為,中國崛起的結果並非是物質力量所決定,而取決於中國與周邊國家之間的文化認同:崛起中國的內涵不同,周邊國家對中國的感知也會不同,彼此的互動就跟著不同。此說是否確實為真?本文嘗試從歷史的角度切入,比較秦漢、隋唐、遼、金、元、明的興起,並以明初時的朝鮮為焦點,檢驗朝鮮是否真的拒斥一個內涵上不被它所認可的崛起中國,而相對的欣然接受一個內涵上為它所認可的崛起中國。 The rise of China is a topic of great concern to the world nowadays. In contrast to the realist logic of power politics, the constructivism holds that the consequence of the rise of China is not determined by material factors but by the cultural identities between China and its neighboring countries. If the connotations of the rising of China are different, the perceptions of countries neighboring to China will be different, and then their interactions will also be different. Is this argument true? This study attempts to approach this question with a historical prospective by comparing the rise of the Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Liao, Jin, Yuan and Ming dynasties, with Korea in the early Ming Dynasty as the focus, to see whether Korea rejected a rising China that it did not connotatively recognize but accepted a rising China that it did connotatively recognize.