背景及目的:中國自古教育皆以培養「士」、「君子」為目的,西方大學教育也以培養紳士(Gentleman)為目標。儘管當代大學教育已從菁英培養轉為普及教育,但高等教育仍有培養大學生成為一個身心平衡、智德兼備人才的責任。而雅樂舞就是中國傳承數千年禮樂教化中重要的一環。近年來由陳玉秀教授所解構、重構之「雅樂舞中心軸身心覺察訓練」,累積許多身心改善之個案經驗。因此,本研究欲探索「雅樂舞中心軸身心覺察訓練」對於大學生之學習效能、情緒智慧以及認知功能是否具有增進提升之成效。材料及方法:本研究為平行二組前後測之類實驗設計(Quasi-Experimental Design),採立意取樣。研究工具包含個人基本資料、大學生學習效能量表、情緒智慧量表、生命意義量表及電腦認知功能作業測驗。實驗組介入八週,每次三小時之「雅樂舞中心軸身心覺察訓練」,實驗組與對照組於介入前進行前測,八週課程後進行後測。資料收集後進行編碼及建檔,利用SPSS18.0 for Windows及Excel 軟體進行描述性統計、成對樣本T檢定(Paired t-test)、獨立樣本T檢定(Independent Sample t test)等相關統計分析。p 值小於0.05 被視為有統計上的意義。結果與結論:研究結果發現,經過八週「雅樂舞中心軸身心覺察訓練」後,參與者於學習效能方面,「學業壓力」減緩且「學業專注力」提升;參與者之情緒智慧提升改變量較對照組多;而認知功能方面,在「專注與警醒」部分有顯著之提升。「雅樂舞中心軸身心覺察訓練」屬於身心學當中之一項身心動作訓練,與瑜珈、太極、正念、氣功等具有相通特質。整體而言,本課程可作為一項提供大學生增進學習效能的選項。而華人傳承數千年的禮樂、樂舞教化,在斷線沉寂之後,嘗試初步探索,尋找其中是否有在當代身心教育重新復興的意義。 Background and Purpose: Since the ancient year, cultivated the gentle characteristics person is the main purpose of the East and West country. Even the current strategy of the University's education already transforms from Elite education to universal education, cultivated a physical & Mental health, wisdom and morality's student still the primary responsibility of the higher education. The Ya Yue Dance is the most important part of the Education with rites and music's culture from China since the few thousand years ago. Recently, a lot of the improving cases have been recorded from the "Ya Yue Dance body-mind axial awareness practice" which re-destruction and re-establishment by professor Chen,Yu zhu. The aim of the study was to explore the effects of the 「Ya Yue Dance body-mind axial awareness practice」course on learning effectiveness, emotion control ability and the function of cognition in University students. Materials and Methods: The study used a pretest-posttest and Quasi-Experimental research design by purposive sampling. The Basic Personal information, College Learning Effectiveness Inventory, Emotional Intelligence scare, Purpose in Life test and Computer cognitive function test were used in this study. The Intervention group involved 3 hours per week of "Ya Yue Dance body-mind axial awareness practice" for 8 weeks. Both of intervention group and control group were performed the pre- post-test before and after the experiment. Encoding and filling after all the data collected and analyzed by the descriptive statistic, Paired t-test, Independent Sample test, by excel and SPSS18.0 for windows version. The P-value equal or less than 0.05 is consider statistically significant.Results: After 8 weeks of "Ya Yue Dance body-mind axial awareness practice" found out, the cognition function of study for intervention group indicated the stress of the study reduced and the study concentration improved. The ability of concentration and awareness have been increase in the cognition part.