由於智慧型手機的普及、各式各樣的APP廣被使用,除了休閒娛樂及增進生活的便利外,也運用在行動學習上。藉由個別使用APP,學生可以依照自己的進度進行學習,充分掌握學習的主導權。找出學生學習鄒語的困難之處,以情境學習理論為基礎,製作合適的APP,可能協助學生更有效的記憶單詞。故本研究彙整學生學習上的需求,並依照需求設計鄒語學習APP,透過操作APP的方式進行學習活動時,除了增添趣味之外,更希望學生能藉此對學習更有信心,並且透過單詞記憶,對屬於自己的語言及文化有更多認識與關心。 Due to the popularity of smart phones, various apps are widely used. In addition to leisurely entertainment and promoting life convenience, apps are also used in mobile learning. By using apps individually, students can learn at their own pace and fully take ownership of learning. The design of the app is based on contextual learning theory to find out the difficulties of students when learning Tsou language. It may help students to remember words more effectively. Therefore, this study collects students' learning needs to design Tsou language learning app according to their demands. When students use the app to learn, not only does it add more fun, but it also helps students have more confidence in learning.Moreover, through memorization of individual words students will gain more understanding of and connection to their own language and culture.