本文旨在處理特定觀光業中原住民女性的勞動身影,並以太魯閣族女性解說員為例加以說明,嘗試跳出性別化的國際關係或政治經濟學等巨視觀點,藉由她們對於主客互動的詮釋,還原原住民女性解說員的勞動實況,從太管處、民宿、社區協會三種正式與非正式、規模大小不同的工作場域切入,以五位太魯閣族女性解說員當事者的立場出發,瞭解她們對解說這份工作的認知態度。研究發現:(一)她們努力培養勞動條件,從專業知識、情緒管理、體力負荷、外貌形象等四個面向著手,讓自己「變成」原住民女性解說員。(二)她們在勞動現場和遊客互動的過程中,巧妙地處理族群/性別/階級的衝突,在「以客為尊」的基本原則下,她們的解決之道是各顯神通、剛柔並濟。(三)她們從主客互動的解說工作中獲得很多成果與收穫,連帶地,也影響到原住民女性解說員對於自我、對於太魯閣族文化的重新認識。 The purpose of this paper is to analysis aboriginal female labor image by example of Truku interpreter in tourism. Try to transcend perspectives of gendered international relationship or political economy, and by means of female interpreters' annotation over the interaction between host and guest to trace the real labor situation of the aboriginal female. Three types of work locations and five Truku interpreters are selected to realize how they consider about interpreters. The main findings are: (1) They try hard to become an interpreter by intensifying the professional knowledge, emotional control, body burden and looking image. (2) Under the aim of respecting the guest, by using several different way, they solute ethnic, gender and class conflicts skillfully in interaction with tourists. (3) The interpreters are successful in their work and in the meantime they renewed recognize themselves and Truku cultures.