台灣的便利商店競爭激烈,為了搶得商機,大多使用集點、買一送一、預購省更多......等促銷方式吸引消費者上門。消費者面對琳瑯滿目的優惠活動,用傳統的貼紙集點,以及用紙本記錄預購的咖啡、牛奶、茶飲....等優惠商品,實在不方便。因此全家便利商店推出電子會員積點,只要會員於智慧型手機下載並安裝APP,就能將點數和預購的優惠商品存在系統中,不但方便查詢,所預購的商品亦能跨店少量領取。 本研究以科技接受模式(TAM)探討消費者對全家便利商店APP的使用意圖,希望能對其使用意願有更深入之了解。主要以已安裝全家便利商店APP之民眾為研究對象,在網路上隨機蒐集樣本,並以網路問卷調查進行資料收集並加以分析研究,發現信任度和使用意願之間有中度接近高度之關聯。 In Taiwan, convenience store compete with each other. In order to have more sales, differentmarketing strategies for promotion are brought out, such as set points, buy on get one free, pre-order sale, etc. However, it's not very convenient for customers to collect points by collecting stickers or record their pre-orders by paper and cross out one point each time. In order to conquer these difficulties, Family Mart developed the APPs for members to collect points and to record their pre-orders that they can check up easily and make transaction quickly. The study exploes the customers' intention of using Family Mart's APP through technology acceptance model. It aims people who have installed the Family Mart's APP. Samples are collected ramdomly on the internet. After collecting the questionaires, data are analyzed in order to exploare the factors that influence users' intention.