在《列子》中有非常多關於幻化之描述與討論,歷來學者們傾向於將其視為寓言、故事、神話,本文則嘗試為這些幻化找出可能實現的學理依據。使《列子》當中所提倡的一些身心調御、價值觀等能夠更加貼近於生命,提供世人於世間一條確實可依循的生命出路。本文於第一節前言,說明文章的主題、寫作動機、背景、目的與價值。第二節,梳理《列子》書中對於幻化能力的呈現,將幻化的能力整理、說明,使討論之主題聚焦而明確。並釐清與「幻化」概念混淆的三組概念——「虛幻/真實」、「真/假」、「存在/不存在」,使這些概念不會在討論中混淆,致使討論主題被誤解。第三節,梳理《列子》書中提及達成幻化能力的方法。透過方法之認識,能夠分辨如此的幻化是否為一般所見的魔術、障眼法,抑或是確實的身心變化。第四節,提出幻化背後可能的理路,即透過觀念之轉變與心之鍛鍊而達到身心高度自在調御的能力。第五節,結論。近來,生物、腦神經科學領域尖端研究方向,開始嘗試與量子物理學結合,逐漸發現「意識」在影響生命體乃至形塑世界有驚人的力量,所揭露的意識之潛能與上述各種幻化的能力不謀而合,是否中國古代所記錄的事蹟,乃至《列子》書中提及的修心方法,其實是古人掌握一定程度鍛鍊意識的方法,而體現的結果。若然,則為極其珍貴的智慧流傳,有待後人挖掘而展開其理路。 There are many descriptions and discourses about Illusory mind-body transformation in the Leizi such as going into water without drowning, walking though fire without getting burned or flying in the air just like a free bird. These records have been interpreted as some sort of metaphor, myth, story, or Shamanism in the academic mainstream in general. In this article, I try to bring forth and elaborate on an alternative approach to the supernatural abilities contained in these records. The first chapter is a brief explanation of the writing motivation and subject matter of this article. In the second chapter, the paragraphs in the Leizi related to Illusory mind-body transformation are sorted out in a list in order to have a clear understanding of how the subject matter is presented and contextualized. Meanwhile, three sets of similar concepts-- including real/ unreal (illusory), true/ false, and existent/ non-existent-- are also clarified to avoid confusions in this chapter. The third chapter contains a consolidation of the methods used to achieve Illusory mind-body transformation in the Leizi. In the fourth chapter, I continue to elaborate on how thesemethods can gain the ability to carry out Illusory mind-body transformation. The key lies in the potential power of the mind. Ordinary people might regard the supernatural events in the Leizi as merely ancient myths or irrational beliefs on account of their violation of daily experience of humanity. However, more and more researches combining the fields of biology, neural science and quantum physics demonstrate that the power of the mind can be extraordinary and unimaginable as far as the brain is concerned. The discourses in the Leizi can be the ancient wisdom of how to transform the body through the mind-body exercises. In this vein, the Leizi is a rich treasure still waiting to be found and appreciated.