從《兒少條例》到《人口販運防制法》,台灣性工作者與性產業從業者的人權日益限縮,罪與罰卻不斷擴增。在特定團體「母性關懷」策略的主導下,不僅各種以保護兒少為名的矯正措施與安置程序,使當事人被迫接受國家強制性的監禁管理,也使性產業從業人員—包括成年性工作者、經營者、管理者及載送者等—都被視為法律懲處的對象。一種奠基在(性工作的)性低劣之上的「性優越」,促成了母權的威權化,其表徵就是調控個人性價值的法律,它具有懸置法律的特殊功能,靠的是將各種虛擬的性罪惡,落實為法律制度中的「社會公敵」宣告。本文將從法律保留原則的觀點,檢視法規範的「適用」如何使法律的管制成為「無法」的「例外狀態」(state of exception),並透過法律與暴力的關係,分析兒童的性論述如何導致台灣的法治國原則陷入爭議。 Whereas sexual regulation reached out to children under the age of 18 according cultural ”need”, a second arena of anti-prostitution policy activism began as a universal effort to attenuate the sex industry. At the heart of the political agenda lay the assumption that improved laws would enhance human rights. Conceived by American Human Right Report, anti-human trafficking policy in Taiwan was promoted by the government, shaped by NGOs in an extensive anti-human trafficking campaign. Moreover, the Prevention of Antihuman Trafficking Act offered national assistance to NGOs to set up services for victim-protection, while criminalizing the sex industry. This thesis asserts that legal control on sex work has violated the principle of legality that safeguards a human right but also a fundamental defense in criminal law prosecution according to which no crime or punishment can exist without a legal ground. Indeed, real legal reform should entail rooting out the premises, prescriptions, and stigma that drive sexual regulations-not modifying the behavior and restricting the choices of women who need sex work to support their life.