《驟雨之島》是顧德莎生前第一本短篇小說集。做為一本罕見的「產業小說」集結,全書共收錄九篇短篇小說,以八零年代紡織業興衰為背景,輻射出一個時代歷經驟變後的生命圖像。其中「驟雨」作為一種主導符碼,貫串了全書九篇短篇小說之結構安排。是以本文主要環繞「驟雨」這個意象進行剖析,探討小說如何以這個意象為文本中之主導符碼,又藉由怎樣的敘事結構,展現此意象底下之人性矛盾與掙扎。 “The Island of Showers”was Gu Desha's first short story collection. As a rare collection of“industrial novels”, the book contains a total of nine short stories, with the background of the textile industry in the 1980s as the background, radiating a life image after a sudden change in the era. Among them, “shower”, as a leading symbol, serializes the structural arrangement of the nine short stories throughout the book. This article is based on the analysis of the image of “storm”, and explores how the novel uses this image as the dominant symbol in the text, and through what kind of narrative structure, it shows the contradictions and struggles of human nature under this image.