摘要: | 星雲大師為佛光山創辦人,一生致力弘法利生,創辦諸多善法事業,成就臺灣地區佛教興隆。《華嚴經》說:「佛法無人說,雖慧莫能了。」大師畢生以廣傳佛法為己任,講說四方,足跡遍及世界,亦常化筆為舌,將佛法義理藉由報章書籍傳布人間,三藏十二部浩如煙海,大師透過淺顯明白的方式詮釋,讓百千萬劫難遭遇的佛法,為使人所明了。大師深入經藏,通達佛理教言,然而卻能順應眾生習氣,筆耕口說之間,不拘泥於經說論述,將經典內化,以深入淺出的方式暢說佛法,由於理路清晰、用語曉暢、活潑生動,能令閱聽者得以在第一時間接受教言,並能指引一條能行可證的修行道路,讓人間佛教得以落實,叢林不在山頭,在心頭,若能變改心力,人人皆能成佛。大師採納民間俗語、俗話、諺語、古諺、西諺……等甚多,這些民間語彙,輕鬆易懂,且蘊藏先民智慧,亦適合講經論道,聖教法語透由妙語如珠的解譯,引導眾生淨罪集資,成就福慧二資糧。現今研究大師思想、著作、事業者眾,卻鮮有人以民間語彙進行研究,筆者將透由大師全集,透過爬梳整理與統計分析,了解星雲文學對民間語彙之運用。 Master Hsing Yun was the founder of Fo Guang Shan. He devoted his life to spreading one's life. He founded many philanthropic causes and made Buddhism flourish in Taiwan. “Hua Yan Sutra” says: “No one speaks about the Dharma, although wisdom is unability.” The master has devoted his life to spreading the Dharma as his own responsibility, traveling all over the world. He used the principles of the Dharma in newspapers and books. The master interprets it in a simple and clear way, making the Buddhadharma that has been understood. The master understands the teachings of Buddhism. However, he is able to conform to the habits of all living beings. He does not stick to the scriptures and discourses between writing and speaking. He internalizes the scriptures and speaks the Buddhism in a simple and simple way. The reasoning is clear and the language is fluent. , Lively and lively, can enable the readers to receive the teachings at the first time, and can guide a practicable and verifiable path of practice, so that Buddhism can be implemented among people. If you can change your mind. Everyone can become a Buddha. The master adopts a lot of folk proverbs (slang, proverbs, ancient proverbs, European proverbs... etc.). These folk vocabularies are easy to understand and contain the wisdom of the ancestors. They are also suitable for preaching the scriptures. The interpretation of the bead guides all living beings to raise funds for the cleansing of sins, and achieves the two sources of blessing and wisdom. Nowadays, there are many people who study the thoughts, writings, and businesses of masters, but few people use popular sayings to conduct research. The author will look through the complete works of master, through sorting and statistical analysis, to get a glimpse of the use of popular sayings in Xingyun literature. |