本研究探討休閒涉入、心流體驗和幸福感關係之研究-以嘉義縣特教教師為例,採用集群抽樣方式之問卷調查法來收集資料,總共發放165份問卷,回收150份,扣除無效問卷11份後,有效問卷為139份,有效樣本回收率為84.24%。回收後使用SPSS統計軟體,作為統計分析工具以及檢驗假設之數值,歸納主要結論為:(1)休閒涉入對心流體驗有顯著正向影響。(2)休閒涉入對幸福感有顯著正向影響。(3)心流體驗對幸福感有顯著正向影響。(4)中介變數「心流體驗」對自變數「休閒涉入」與依變數「幸福感」具有完全中介效果。(5)嘉義縣特教教師之休閒涉入因性別和休閒活動而有所差異。(6)嘉義縣特教教師之心流體驗因性別而有所差異。(7)嘉義縣特教教師之幸福感因性別而有所差異。 This research investigated the relationship among leisure involvement, flow experience and well-being--The case of special education teachers in Chiayi County. The data were collected by questionnaire survey which used cluster sampling. A total of 165 questionnaires were sent, 150 were collected and 139 were valid and analyzed. The valid response rate was 84.24%. SPSS software was used as a statistical analysis tool after the recovery and the numerical results in order to verify the hypothesis. The major findings of the study: (1) Leisure involvement has a significant impact on flow experience. (2) Leisure involvemen has a significant impact on well-being.(3) Flow experience has a significant impact on well-being. (4) Flow experience has a complete mediation effect on leisure involvement and well-being.(5) The leisure involvement of special education teachers in Chiayi County varies by gender and leisure activity.(6) The flow experience of special education teachers in Chiayi County varies by gender.(7) The well-being of special education teachers in Chiayi County varies by gender.