隨著社會文化提昇,國人之教育程度普遍提昇,現今教育方式不僅是普及化而且朝向是多元化,每位家長都期盼子女能高人一等,以致孩童終日有上不完的補習課及才藝課,然而卻怱略品格教育之重要。從新聞報導中的許多社會問題,不難發現目前之教育功能仍有缺漏,因此這些年經典教育頗受國人之重視,學者亦詳加探索讀經教育之內涵,鼓勵親子同時參與讀經活動學習聖哲典範以為品格教育奠基。 本究重點在探討親子讀經教育的參與動機及教學情境之學習成效,針對研究議題,以問卷調查方式蒐集資料,問卷回收樣本共286份。問卷資料彙整後使用描述性分析、信度分析、T檢定分析、單因子變異數分析、以及迴歸分析等統計方法研究分析,研究結論如下:1.親子讀經教育之參與動機會影響教學情境。2.親子讀經教育之教學情境會影響學習成效。3.親子讀經教育之參與動機會影響學習成效。4.參與動機和教學情境與學習成效之間有中介效果。 With the improvement of social culture, the educational level of Chinese people has generally improved. Today's education methods are not only universal but also towards diversification. Every parent expects their children to be superior, so that children have endless tutorials and talent classes all day long. However, the importance of character education is hurriedly outlined. From the many social problems in the news reports, it is not difficult to find that the current educational function is still lacking. Therefore, classic education has been valued by the Chinese people in recent years. Think of the foundation of character education. The focus of this study is to explore the motivation for parent-child reading education and the effectiveness of learning in the teaching situation. In response to research topics, the questionnaire survey was used to collect data. a total of 286 samples were collected from the questionnaire. The questionnaires were collected and analyzed using statistical methods such as descriptive analysis, Reliability analysis, Ttest analysis, single factor change Variation analysis, and regression analysis. The research results in conclusion are as follows:1.The participation opportunities of parent-child reading education affect the teaching situation.2.The teaching situation of parent-child reading education will affect the learning effectiveness.3.Participation opportunities of parent-child reading education affect learning effectiveness.4.There is an intermediary effect between participation motivation and teaching situation and learning effectiveness.