本研究主要是探討學習動機、學習策略以及學習成效三者關係之研究,以新娘秘書教育訓練課程為例,對學員實施問卷調查。採用Google網路問卷調查法,針對不同背景變項的新娘秘書課程學員之學習動機、學習策略與學習成效的差異情形加以探討,分析研究變項之間的關係與進行假設驗證。問卷蒐集的資料以獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析與處理,並根據本研究分析結果,提出結論與建議。研究結果:個人背景變項對於學習動機、學習策略、學習成效不具有顯著性的影響;學習動機對於學習策略具有顯著性正向影響;學習動機對於學習成效具有顯著性正向影響;學習策略對於學習成效具有顯著性正向影響;學習策略在學習動機與學習成效之間具有中介效果,且學習策略對於學習成效的影響高於學習動機對學習成效的影響。 This research is to explore the relationship among learning motivation, learning strategy and learning achievement with bride secretary education and training course as an example. To analyze the relationship between the variables and hypothesis verification, this study used Google Form as an instrument to collect data from respondents regarding to respondents' background, learning motivation, learning strategy and learning achievement. The results obtained are: the seven personal background variables do not have significant impact on learning motivation, learning strategy and learning achievement; Learning motivation has a significant positive effect on learning strategy; Learning motivation has a significant positive effect on learning achievement; Learning strategy has a significant positive impact on learning achievement; Learning strategy has a partially mediating effect between learning motivation and learning achievement, and the effect of learning strategy is much higher than learning motivation on learning achievement.