全球暖化是近年備受關注的全球議題跨政府氣候變遷委員會 (IPCC)指出,全球暖化中之溫室氣體約有九成是來自人為活動,其中有近三成是與人類食物選擇相關。而近年所關注之飲食碳足跡,不僅僅在日常飲食,不少學者也指出,觀光活動中之飲食型態,對溫室氣體的產生有更大更顯著的影響。根據觀光局的調查,享受台灣美食已是外國觀光客來台消費目的之一,其中又以夜市文化吸引他們。在眾多夜市美食中,雞排是排名前三的品項。因此,本研究以國民美食雞排,作為研究對象,盤查其從食材生產、運輸、製作、棄置等不同階段所產生之二氧化碳排放當量。研究結果發現,一份雞排平均重量270公克,單純以油炸方式生產之炸雞排,估計有0.625 kgCO2e-,若油炸後再碳烤,使用瓦斯碳烤之雞排產生0.710 kgCO2e-,至於使用木炭之碳烤雞排則可高達1.401 kgCO2e- ;在不同口味方面,椒麻雞排之碳排潛勢為0.714 kgCO2e-,起司雞排0.801 kgCO2e-。從生命週期觀點來看雞排產製發現,碳排放量主要來自食材之生產過程(65~75%),運輸端佔3%,廚餘(11~13%),包裝佔3%,料理過程之能源燃料(9~15%)。以台灣一天生產約25萬片雞排的水準,推估台灣一年因食用雞排所產生之碳排放潛勢達6萬2108公噸,若以碳補償的觀點來看,大約需要種植3880公頃樹木方可消弭人為產生之二氧化碳。 Global warming has been closely emphasized on the global issues in recent years. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicates that ninety percentage of the greenhouse gases comes from human activities. About thirty percentage of that is related with food for human beings. Most scholars mention that carbon footprint not only shows in daily diet but in the diet pattern of sightseeing activities has a significant influence on the produce of greenhouse gases. According to the survey of Tourism Bureau, to enjoy Taiwan delicious food is one of the purposes to visit Taiwan, especially the culture of night market could catch their eye. Among various kinds of delicious snacks, chichen cutlet is the on the top three. Therefore, the researcher decides to choose the CO2 emission from the different phrases including production, transportation, and disposal as the theme of the study. As a result, the research indicates that a serving of chichen cutlet weighs 270 grams can make 0.625 kgCO2e- by frying. The way grilled after gas fried can make 0.710 kgCO2e-; as for the way grilled after charcoal fried can make 1.401 kgCO2e-.(It's thirty times the amounts of fried chicken cutlet). Spice chilly flavor can make 0.714 kgCO2e-. Cheese flavor can make 0.801 kgCO2e-. From the points of views of life circle period, carbon emission of making chichen cutlet which mainly comes from production accounts for 65-75%, transportation accounts for 3%, food waste accounts for 11-13%, package accounts for 3%, energy consumption accounts for 9-15%. And the most emission is the production of chicken cutlet which accounts for 87% of food. Take two hundred and fifty thousand servings of chicken cutlet in a day in Taiwan for example, it's estimated that the carbon emission is to 62108 tons. From the points of views of carbon emission, human beings have to plant 3880 hectares of trees to clean up CO2 from human activities.