摘要: | 本研究旨在探討衡山讀書會對參與成員學習成長之研究,由讀書會參與成員彼此互動討論以及多元經驗的心得分享,以行動研究法方式進行之行動研究,佐以參與觀察及深度訪談方式蒐集相關資料,再將資料統整、歸納、整理分析;並且運用哈伯瑪斯(Habermas)的溝通行動理論之觀點,其中以四個有效宣稱之判準作為讀書會學習效益之判準,其運作方式為由參與成員輪流負責導讀每一個章節開始,參與成員間相互交流對話討論、論辯和批判,再經由結合彼此生活世界的經驗互動交流,以理性討論為前提,在彼此相互尊重互為主體性的原則之下,期冀達成溝通行動理論合理共識之理想情境。一者結合理論落實在生活世界的影響,藉由現場參與觀察及深度訪談所蒐集相關資料加以彙整,再檢視再閱讀文本和成員互動檢討作為質性的分析,最後由紀登斯(Giddens)反身現代性來檢視讀書會對於個體產生反身性學習成長的影響。 The purpose of this study is to explore the learning and growth of participating members in Heng-shan Study Circle. Relevant data is collected by interactive discussion and multiple experience sharing of participating members, action research conducted by the action research method, participant observation and in-depth interviews. The data is then organized, summarized, analyzed, and judged by Communicative Action Theory(Habermas), in which four validity claims are used as judging criterias of learning effect in the study Circle.The operating mode starts from the participating members' taking turns to guide reading each chapter,and then the whole members discuss, argue, criticize, and interact with each other through the combination of experiences in the world of life. Based on the premise of rational discussion and the principle of mutual respect and mutual subjectivity,the ideal situation formed on a reasonable consensus by way of Communicative Action Theory is expected to be reached. To examine the effect of the study circle on individuals' reflexive learning growth, the following ways are applied: first, combining the influence of the implementation of the Communicative Action Theory in the life world; second, unifying the relevant data collected by participant observation and in-depth interviews; third, the qualitative analysis in which review, text reading, and interactive review are used; finally, the theory of Reflexive Modernity (Giddens). |