本文把聚落紋理視為都市發展重要的文化脈絡,探討臺灣都市設計策略缺乏考量聚落在地紋理,都市計畫因過度擴張、政經政策變動與尺度過大的交通路徑對都市景觀、地景、地貌的影響。 以臺中市烏日區湖日里舊聚落範圍為例,探討這個百年聚落發展歷程。說明邊緣化之都市聚落,因都市計畫框架限制,聚落內新舊建築混和、民生機能不足,衍生出生活環境品質不佳等問題;社區民眾對生活環境的自覺,自主改善空間設施之作法;經由本研究探討案例空間問題及調察研究結果,整理出本研究案例現存之聚落文化紋理,提出水文、巷弄空間局部改善之作法,作為聚落紋理保存、永續發展之建議,最後就本研究之結論提供未來都市計畫聚落發展之參考。 The main belief of this thesis is based on a theory, which settlement's texture was founded tightly with those geographical, cultural and historical origin, always. Due to the disregard of various settlement's growing-pattern and public discussion, it causes quite a number mismanagement by numerous urban sprawl projects. All those misleading Urban planning, might cause not only the urban morphology but also the social, economical and political structure. Huri village located in Wuri District, Taichung City. This village has more than hundert years developing aggregation behind itself. In now a day, it's cityedge-location attracts less intention under the urban planning framework. The urban planning regulations set up the irrational limitations, that bound up the urban renewal stage. The new and old buildings in the settlements are cluttered, the livelihood function is insufficient, and the living environment quality is poor. The consciousness of the well living environment and the method of self-improvement of space facilities are stagnated. This study try to explore the true reasons of the Huri community's spatial problems. And the survey results will sort out some possible solutions. With all those proposes, of partial improvement of waterfront and alley reconstruction, might occur the residents some rethinking about the value of settlement texture. The suggestions for preservation and sustainable development should finally to serve as a reference for the future development of urban settlements.