本研究旨於討論大林鎮慢城文化景觀評估模式之建構,故首先經由文獻回顧法來回顧大林鎮的歷史、地理及發展現況,並了解慢城的起源與發展,根據其他相關研究對比來找出現當前遇到的研究問題,再藉由模糊德爾菲法衡量並篩選出其構面準則,然後透過專家學者意見,採取層級分析法(AHP) 計算構面與指標的相對權重,用以建構大林鎮慢城文化景觀發展之評選指標。根據模糊德爾菲法的結果顯示,統整歸納出地方特色、旅遊意象、歷史文化、產業發展、慢活之五個主要研究面向,然而產業發展之構面數值最高,若要推動大林鎮慢城文化景觀發展時,決策者應以產業的整體發展為優先考量;而從層級分析法結果指出,在決策者推動大林鎮慢城文化景觀發展策略時,須特別重視以產業為主的發展,以農業型態為主的大林鎮,主要經濟重心為在地的產業發展,若能利用當地具經濟性的產業優勢,將提升在地的文化價值,可使大林鎮能有最佳的發展方向。 The study tried on discuss the establishment of evaluation model of cultural landscape for cittaslow. Therefore, it discussed the history, geography and present development by using literature to recognize the Origin and development, and the faced problems was discussed. By using Fuzzy Delphim the guidelines and facets were collected, and the related weight was accounted by AHP to establish evaluation model of cultural landscape for cittaslow.The main findings showed that there are five facets local characteristics, tourism imagery, history and culture, industrial development, and slow living. The industrial development was the hightest, so that the industrial development was significant to improve the cultural landscape development strategies. For the Dalin, the better economical consideration was industrial development, and the better way to increase the local cultural value was taked advantage of the local economical industry advantages.