摘要: | 背景及目的:由於台灣已邁入高齡化社會,本文希望透過整理歸納古今中外典籍文獻與資料所得到的信息,研究是否可以透過改變生活型態來維持老年期的認知功能健全,降低罹患失智症的風險。並同時針對失智前的輕度知能障礙部分加以探討,希望能夠對年長者提早採取預防介入措施來阻斷失智症的發生及延緩失智症的進一步發展,降低醫療與照護成本。 材料及方法:本文主要是採用整理、分類、歸納、整合的方式,使用《中華醫典》、中文期刊Airiti Lidrary華藝線上圖書館、Pubmed、台灣碩博士論文知識加值系統、中國期刊全文數據庫以及各圖書館藏書資料庫等為研究工具,搜尋有關失智與養生觀的中醫典籍資料、印度阿育吠陀醫學相關典籍記載與近年來對失智症預防與老化相關的研究期刊、書籍及現代活力老化的保健相關政策,統整出預防輕度知能障礙與失智症的相關資料。 結果與結論:知能障礙相關症狀在中醫古籍中主要以「善忘」、「健忘」描述,老年人身體機能衰退,腎精虧虛、髓海失充,腦力漸漸消減,因而知能障礙好發於老年人。主要病因是虛、痰、瘀單一或三者互為影響所致,因此治則主要從虛、痰、瘀等證論治。在阿育吠陀經典文本中,Smrtināsha(失憶)被指為jarā(衰老)的前驅症狀之一。而Rasayana(延緩身體老化的老年學)則為阿育吠陀八大分支其中一支,是與老化較有相關的分支論述,出現在《阿提耶集》 (Atreya Samhita),至今仍然應用在日常生活當中。另外Tridosha的正常狀態對於維持認知功能方面發揮著重要作用。阿育吠陀主張透過飲食、運動、冥想、天然草藥強化身心健康。現代醫學對失智的處理主要是治療腦部的可逆性損傷,近年來逐漸從功能性思維轉變到失智患者的主觀體驗。在認知功能障礙預防性介入措施方面,則著重於藉由生活型態的改變,每個人都可以量身打造出合適可行的方案。中醫與阿育吠陀的防治觀點和預防醫學相契合,中醫主張「未病先防、未老先養」,著重養生保健措施,防衰和防病於未然;而阿育吠陀則認為在疾病尚未發作之前,藉由改善體內的微循環,促進身體新陳代謝,便能促進身體健康。 Background and Purpose: In an aging Taiwanese society, how to change the life style based on classics and documents to maintain the cognitive function of the elderly, especially to increase the awareness of mild cognitive impairment, and to take preventive interventions is the first priority , It is mainly to discuss the part of mild cognitive impairment before being diagnosed as dementia, so as to prevent and delay the advent of dementia in advance. Materials and methods: This research mainly adopts the methods of sorting, classifying, summarizing, and integrating, using the “Chinese Medical Dictionary”, the Chinese periodical Airiti Lidrary Huayi Online Library, the Chinese periodical full-text database, and the library of various books as the research tools , Search for traditional Chinese medicine classics on dementia and health preservation, research journals and books related to dementia prevention and aging in recent years, and modern vitality aging prevention policies, and unify relevant information on dementia prevention and dementia. Results and conclusions: Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, natural therapies, etc., which resort to the coordination of body and mind to prevent dementia, such as diet therapy, yoga, health maintenance, acupuncture, etc., should be worth continuing to invest in more research energy Relevant government units should also actively promote multiple strategies to prevent dementia, early prevention and screening of patients with mild intellectual impairment, and healthy aging to enjoy life. |