連鎖超商發展迅速,台灣二大龍頭-統一超商及全家超商競爭愈見白熱化,除了在零售市場的銷售競爭外,拓展加盟店為二企業的重要的競爭策略,尤其是近年來便利商店加盟店的據點越來越多,競爭也隨之提升,如何提高加盟主的續約意願,為便利商店企業在高度競爭下搶奪先機的重要因素。本研究的目的即在探討續約意願的因子分析,並提供研究出來的資料給業者做為參考,且分析出是否能透過這些管道去增加續約意願。 本研究以統一超商的加盟主作為研究對象,探討不同加盟主對於續約加盟的意願,本研究從加盟主之角度進行,對上為加盟企業,對下為其經營績效以及其自身的環境,並透過訪談法探討加盟主對影響其之因素,從研究結果可以得知:(1)品牌因素會影響續約意願(2)企業制度會影響續約意願(3)領導風格會影響續約意願(4)顧客關係管理會影響續約意願(5)經營績效會影響續約意願(6)機會成本會影響續約意願(7)社會支持會影響續約意願。 The chains of convenience store are developing rapidly, and the competition between these two oligopolies in Taiwan- Uni-President and FamilyMart, are becoming more and more intense. In addition to the competition in the retail market, how to expand their franchisees is an important competitive strategy for these two enterprises. Especially in recent years, there are more and more franchisees join the competition. Then, how to improve the willingness of franchisees to renew contracts is an important factor for convenience store enterprises to win in the competition. This research takes the franchisees of the Uni-President as an example, and it aims to explore the factors that affect the franchisee's willingness to renew their contract. This study used a quality survey of interviews with franchisees. We found brand factors, corporate system, leadership style, customer relationship management and business performance as well as the social support were important factors influencing their willingness to renew contracts.