本研究藉由網路部落格的文章以及各大網站遊客評論,來探討遊客對桃園登山步道的體驗價值和目的地意象,更進一步運用共詞分析、頻率分析及MDS多元尺度分析等研究方法來分析內容,將所蒐集到的資料加以整理歸納其分析結果。 研究結果發現: (1)桃園登山步道一年四季皆適合出遊探訪,任何季節來都可以有心靈上及視覺上的滿足。(2)各條登山步道的難易度及長度皆不同,建議在出發前先做功課,並備妥所需工具:如登山杖、登山鞋等。(3) 登山步道大多位處於較偏遠的山區,可事先於網路搜尋登山口附近合適的停車場地 (4)桃園有多條登山步道及古道都值得探訪,外地民眾可安排兩日以上行程,規畫一趟完整的桃園之旅,較無時間壓力。(5)遊客在豐富的生態步道之旅的探訪後,內心會產生了放鬆的感覺,身心靈不但得到了充電,並且也將壓力得到釋放。根據以上研究結論,建議政府相關單位應定期維護步道設施以確保遊客安全,並與在地小農及藝術家合作,整合原先攤販及在地商家,規劃更有質感的步道套裝行程,提升經濟效益。 The purpose of this research is to understand tourist images of hiking trails in Taoyuan through blog articles and tourist website reviews. Furthermore, research methods such as co-word analysis, frequency analysis and MDS multi-scale analysis are used to analyze the content, and the collected data are sorted and summarized. The results of the study found that 1. Taoyuan hiking trails are suitable for use all year round, with spiritual and visual satisfaction in any season. 2.The difficulty and length of each hiking trail is different. It is recommended to do your research before visiting and prepare the necessary gear: such as trekking poles, hiking shoes, etc. 3. Most of the hiking trails are located in remote mountainous areas. You can search for parking near the mountain entrance on the Internet in advance. 4. There are many modern hiking trails and also historical trails in Taoyuan that are worth visiting. People from other places can arrange itineraries for more than two days to plan a complete trip to Taoyuan with enough time to visit all the trails and historical destinations.5. After visiting the rich ecological trails, tourists will feel a sense of relaxation in their hearts. Not only will their body and mind be recharged. They will also feel their stress released. According to the above research conclusions, it is recommended that the government should regularly maintain the trail facilities to ensure the safety of tourists. Co-operation with local farmers and artists, integration of the original vendors and local businesses, and planning more travel package itineraries, would greatly improve the local economy.