2016年以來,共機擾台成為新聞媒體不時報導的議題。所謂共機擾台,先是共機穿越海峽中線,然後是共機騷擾台灣西南空域。然而,事實上共機是在台灣海峽的中線及南端出口迴轉平行飛行,而所謂西南空域更只是所有人都可自由飛行的國際空域,為何被說得像是侵犯台灣的領空呢?對此,本文主張,共機擾台正是當權者對民眾發動的認知作戰,藉此轉移民眾對施政不滿的怨氣。本文將透過網路問卷調查,驗證此一推論。 Since 2016, the PLA aircraft’s “harassment” on Taiwan has become a major issues on the media. The PLA aircraft’s “harassment” on Taiwan include the crossing of center line of Taiwan Strait and the “intruding” Taiwan’s south-western ADIZ. However, the fact is that the PLA aircraft fly only parallel to the center line and the south-western ADIZ is still the international airspace free for everyone. Why are these events reported as a “harassment” on Taiwan? This article argues that this interpretation is a cognitive warfare launched by the Taiwanese authorities to divert the public complaints on the government’s poor performance. This argument will be verified through an internet questionnaire survey.