本研究旨在探討一位中年女性喪偶後,有哪些特殊節日與紀念日易引發悲傷,瞭解她的週年反應悲傷經驗。研究者採用深度訪談法蒐集資料,再以主題分析法進行資料分析。研究結果先呈現她的喪偶經過及自述重要的節日與特殊紀念日,另將她的週年反應悲傷經驗分成兩大主題。因節日的特殊性引發的週年反應有:(1)特別記得先生逝世前夕最近的節日—母親節的場景;(2)心疼孩子沒有爸爸陪伴的節日;(3)某些節日特別難過,因為先生在世時特別看重這些節日;(4)代替已故的先生幫婆婆過母親節;(5)絕對不會忘記先生的生日、忌日和父親節,一定去墳前祭拜。其它的週年反應特徵有:(1)刻意躲避歡樂的人群;(2)情緒容易激動,對親友惡言相向;(3)有時會找有相同遭遇的人一起過節。依據上述發現,本文結論建議助人專業工作者進行喪偶婦女的悲傷諮商時,應留意有哪些節日或紀念日對當事人深具意義,提醒當事人可能會引發的悲傷反應,注意節日效應對當事人產生的反作用力,尋找可以因應週年反應的資源,使週年反應成為促進悲傷調適的機會。 The purpose of this study was to understand which holidays meant to a middle-aged widow and her anniversary reactions. In-depth interview and thematic analysis were used to understand her experiences. The following 2 main themes and 8 subthemes showed during the widowhood. Anniversary reactions emerged because of the characteristics of holidays: (a) vivid remembrance of Mother’s Day before her husband’s death; (b) felt sorry for her children because their father was not around during holidays; (c) became sadder on some holidays since her husband valued them; (d) celebrated Mother’s Day to her mother-in-law in behalf of her dead husband; (e) went to her husband’s tomb every his birthday, deathday and Father’s Day. Other features of anniversary reactions: (a) avoided from happy people on purpose; (b) got irritated to relatives and friends; (c)spent some holidays with friends who had similar fate. Based on these findings, this study suggests that practitioners should pay attention to which holidays are significant to the bereaved widows when performing grief counseling, remind them of possible grief reactions and keep an eye on holiday side effects, therefore find useful resources to cope with anniversary reactions and make it a chance to promote grief adaptation.