本文旨在了解「UHDC」和聯合國顧問成員以及都市計畫法令研議、及其「UHDC」在戰後台灣都市計畫的重要性和聯合國專家對台灣的影響,其結果如下:1973年「都市計劃法」成為戰後台灣都市計劃制度實施的重要革新和指標,其過程孟松‧愛絲等外籍顧問和周一夔等國內專家共進行28次的討論;主要在確認都市計畫地區的劃定與課征都市土地稅、新市區建設、舊市區更新、行政權責和計畫審議等議題。而「UHDC」所執行的各項工作,也開啟了後續台灣國土、區域和都市之綜合性整體規劃,以及工業都市和新市鎮開發之實施發展。 This research is to comprehend the urban planning statutes researched by the members of UHDC and UN Advisor Group. It is aimed to analyze the effect of urban planning realized in Taiwan after the war and the influence of UN experts to Taiwan. The findings of this research follow: the “Urban Planning Act of 1973” has become a significant reformation and index to implement the urban planning system in Taiwan after the war, as Monson Astrid and members of the task panel discussed and prepared. It assured the principles of zoning of urban land, land tax levy, new downtown construction, urban renewal, administrative institution and plan review. The work implemented by UHDC declares a new era of integration of national, regional and urban planning in Taiwan, and as well to the development of industrial city and new town development