衛生教育是護理人員提供健康促進之相關訊息或技能的重要介入措施。本研究的目的在探討團體衛生教育對於社區民眾癌症預防知識提升的成效,和其對團體衛教之滿意度。本研究採單組前後測之研究設計。於嘉義某地區醫院進行團體衛教,共664人參與本研究。研究結果顯示,癌症預防知識的平均答對率由衛教前的92.18%,增至衛教後平均達對率94.67%;知識的分數與教育程度有相關 (F=3.039, p < 0.05)。本研究結果顯示癌症預防教育團體衛教在認知或活動滿意度皆有成效。 The health education program is an important intervention provided by nurses, to help patients in self care and health promotion information or skills. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of education program on knowledge and satisfaction of cancer. Pre/post-test design was used in this study. A total of 664 subjects were collected in this study. We carried out a structural education program regarding cancer prevention knowledge in a local hospital of Chiayi metropolis in Taiwan. The statistical results revealed that the correct rate of knowledge was 94.67% after education program was higher than that of 92.18% at baseline. The degree of satisfaction after education program was correlated with the educational level (F=3.039, p< 0.05). The education program had significant effects on cancer prevention knowledge and satisfaction of Chiayi metropolis community.