本文係從社會資本觀點來觀察農村社區營造動力之積累與消耗過程。以自921地震後開始營造的澀水社區為例,採用文獻分析與訪談二種方法,從網絡、規範、信任等三種要素來探究影響澀水社區社會資本積累與消耗的因素。研究發現,維繫澀水社區營造之積累重要因素為社區網絡拓展與緊密的關係、社區營造價值與規範的落實、行動者間密切互動,累積彼此認同與信任關係等三者所構成社區發展動力展現。而社區網絡遞減與疏離的關係、社區缺乏集體行動可續性、社區對話空間逐漸瓦解,衝擊行動者間信任關係等因素則是消耗澀水社區的營造動力。而澀水社區近10年來因受到人、資源與組織三者相互交錯影響社區社會資本存量的消長之變化,正可提供其他農村社區治理之借鏡反省。 This study is aimed at exploring the dynamics of accumulation and consumption of social capital in rural communities, with a particular attention on the case of Sher Suei village after the 921 earthquake disaster. The core elements of social capital theory applied in this case study of Sher Suei community are networks, norms and trust. And the research methods adopted are literature analysis and interviews. It is found that the important factors for accretion of community empowering engine are the close ties and outward expansion of community networks, the practice of community values and norms, and the close interactions between community residents. It is also uncovered that the principal factors for depleting the driving force of community empowerment are the short of sustainability for collective action within community, the shrinking of dialogue space for community residents, and the declining mutual trust. The experience of community governance about the buildup and depletion of community capital in Sher Suei community for the past decade, entangled with a mess function of people, resource and organization, could be a mirror of learn and Introspection for other rural communities.