本研究旨在瞭解大學生(一般成人)傷慟因應智能之狀態,修訂由何長珠研究團隊(何長珠、歐乃華,2008;楊事娥,2010;簡月珠,2010)所編制修訂之40題「悲傷因應智能量表」為「簡式傷慟因應智能量表」。本研究採分層隨機抽樣,透過線上及紙本施測,蒐集台灣地區大學生共1,057份有效樣本,進行單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、迴歸分析等方法。研究結論發現:不同背景變項大學生之傷慟因應智能中,以「女性」、「宗教實踐能知行合一」、「對現有家庭非常滿意」、「人際支持網絡充分且滿意」、「有傷慟經驗者」等五項背景變項之傷慟因應智能最佳。依據上述結論,本研究針對大學生個人狀況、行政及實務與後續研究方面提出具體建議,提供相關領域之研究及實務工作者參考。 This research is to understand the coping capacity for bereavement (CCB) of the college students in Taiwan (N=1057). The tools adopted in this study were the “Inventory of Coping Capacity for Bereavement (ICCB)” revised from the “Scale for the Coping Knowledge of Grief” by C. C. Ho & N. H. Ou (2007), Y. C. Ghien (2010) and S. E. Yang (2010). The data were analyzed by variance analysis, one-way ANOVA. The major findings were as following: Subjects who possess the following five indices such as: Woman, practice religion in life, the higher degree of satisfaction in family, sufficient and satisfied with interpersonal support network, experienced bereavement have higher coping capacity for bereavement (CCB) than other groups.