李前總統登輝先生於2020年7月30日逝世,作為台灣史上最後一位政治強人,他十二年的執政對台灣無疑產生重要影響。李前總統最為人津津樂道的,是他的民主改革,帶領台灣走過飛彈危機與金融危機,但他執政下的黑金政治,與所造成族群認同裂痕的擴大,也為人所詬病。究竟李前總統一生功過該如何評價?他究竟是歷史偉人、功大於過,抑或是亂世奸雄,過大於功?本文主張,李前總統固然有其成就,但台灣今天所遭遇的種種困局,其實都肇因於他,對於李前總統的許多讚譽,是言過其實了。對於此一主張,本文嘗試以網路問卷調查加以驗證。 Former President Lee Teng Hui passed away on July 30, 2020, and as the last political strongman in Taiwan's history, his twelve years in power undoubtedly had an important impact on Taiwan. Former President Lee is most talked about for his democratic reforms, which led Taiwan through the missile crisis and financial crisis, but the black-gold politics under his rule and the widening of the rift in ethnic identity have also been criticized. How should former President Lee's life's achievements be evaluated? Is he a great man of history, whose merits are greater than his faults, or is he a tyrannical adulterer in a chaotic world, and his excesses are greater than his achievements? This article argues that although former President Lee has his achievements, all the difficulties that Taiwan is encountering today are actually caused by him, and many of the praises for former President Lee are exaggerated. This article attempts to validate this claim using a web survey.